Retirement Residence & Assisted Living

Exceptional Service and Care in Beautiful Surroundings​

Exceptional Service and Care in Beautiful Surroundings​

Short Stays and Respite Stays

Short-Term Respite stays are available for those in need of assistance following surgery, illness, or during care-giver vacation periods.

Daily Rates Available, starting at $95
Pre Book rooms prior to surgery date

*Specials and Promotions are available from time to time, please check with us!


Short Stay Respite

Providing Best-In-Class: The best short-stay respite options and services at Country Manor, we provide temporary relief and support for caregivers while ensuring high-quality care and comfort for seniors. 

These short-term stays are designed to provide seniors with a safe and welcoming environment where they can receive assistance with daily activities, medication management, and personal care as needed. 

Respite care services typically include comfortable accommodations, nutritious meals, social activities, and access to on-site amenities such as fitness centers, gardens, and lounges. 

Additionally, specialized respite care programs may cater to seniors with specific needs, such as memory care or rehabilitation services. By offering flexible respite care options, Country Manor retirement home help caregivers take much-needed breaks while ensuring that their loved ones receive the care and attention they require. 

These short-stay respite options play a crucial role in supporting both seniors and their caregivers, promoting well-being and peace of mind for all involved.

To find our more, Contact Us!

At Country Manor Retirement Home, as a licensed retirement residence in Ontario, we are committed to providing exceptional care and support for seniors, ensuring a fulfilling and enriching retirement experience. 

We provide all the basic services that most retirement homes offer, and go well beyond with added services that set us apart from others. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule a tour of our communities!